OKay okay, it is already December, and I am only now getting around to posting my pictures from Halloween on line. It took me forever - but in my defense, I have to say that it's Time Warner's fault. That company SUX! They are awful. It took them two months to NEVER come around to install wireless at our apartment, despite our repetetive phone calls to them - where we were transferred, put on hold for 15 minutes at a time, and finally told that there was nothing that they could do.
To make a long story short, they really irked me (to put it mildly - I HATE THEM really), we finally dropped them and went for DSL, and now that I've gotten that off my chest, I will finally describe how my buddies and I spent Halloween this year.

This year I decided to dress up as "White Trash". As my brother explained to me, my costume theme was a double entendre: I just dressed up in a lot of white trash, and with a couple of decorations made references to the poor stereotype of "white trash" - hicks, unrefined rednecks, etc - in this country. Wow, this costume really made me aware how much trash out there is actually white. There is a ton of it - paper cups, napkins, styrofoam, plastic utensils, plastic bags... the list goes on and on.

More later about the costume and my friend Sammy's amazing and ab-fab assistance in helping me put the trash together in an actually fashionable way (?!)... for now I will just write that my party buddies Sam and Darin, were a woopie cushion and a little doggie (?), respectively. We went downtown to an awesome party in a loft. One of these pictures has Sam dancing with his friend and our link to the host, the host's friend, Borchin (a cave man). Another picture has this random wearwolf named Pete sitting on the woopie cusion Sam for a photo op.

As for some of the other people in the pictures - there is Gustavo and Carolyn. Gustavo is a classmate of ours - I met him through Sam - who studies history of science and is dressed up like the mean wolf disguised as an old grannie in the Red Riding Hood story. Carolyn, his lovely wife, is ummm... a devil/slash angel? Uh... i think someone called her Ego and Super Ego - ha! (that's kind of clever). I guess that that is what gives her the perogative to feel up her hubby's buxom baloons in the picture... (trust me, they were enticing, but ayway...)

The guy in the picture with me at the bottom claimed that he was "black gold" -a good combo for "white trash" we thought, so we decided to capitalize on another photo op here. We met him for the first time that night, but found out that he is a bartender at the sushi restaurant "En" which happens to be just down the street from Darin's and my new apartment. Cool...
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