Staying at Sammy's

Tonight I am crashing at my good friend, Sameer's pad in UCLA grad housing. I became good friend's with Sameer last year when I stayed at Sokendai in Japan. We were living in the same dorm and working on the Sokendai project on oral history and digital archives - which Sam and I call Dejiden...but that is a long story for another day.
In any event, what I want to record in my blog tonight is how full of life my good friend Sammy is. First of all, it is actually thanks to Sam that I have a blog at all. He is the one who got me started - and he also got me started on Flickr!! - last summer after impressing me with his own marvelous sites. Sam has three blogs actually, which can be found on his blogger profile. I can't find his Flickr site right now, but I'll be sure to update this later with the link.
Another picture of Sam and me in Kamakura, also taken last summer.

Sam's Dutch Baby was sooooo good. He chopped up some bananas to put on top and then put some syrup on. Believe me when I say that his cooking and lively attention really hit the spot after my long, six-hour drive down on 101 from San Jose.
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