Monday, October 01, 2007

Seven - or Eight? - reasons to be depressed tonight

I know I am not invincible. And I know slowly I am getting older by the mili-second. But tonight, something happened that made me contemplate my mortality more than usual.... and I am just dog gum sad about it... Just now, five minutes ago, I just plucked seven - or eight (I lost count, actually, after I hit six) silver hairs from my temple without even making an effort. They just stood out, bright as day, glittering for all to see, as I massaged my temples a little.

Now i have friends my age that have discernible greys, and it doesn't seem abnormal. I don't even blink - or even feel sorry for them. But that was them, not me, until now... I 've heard of people going grey in one year's time span, and i am seriously starting to think that could happen to me. Just this year - maybe in the past five months, I have begun to notice greys sprouting out from my eyebrows too!! (oh the horror)... I am hoping that this confession-like soliloquy about my greying temples will some how scoop me out of this deep depression that I feel I have sunk into... that my own mortality is totally and utterly out of my control. Woe is the aging woman... How sad How sad I am (sniff sniff sniffffffff).

Oh, and one last reason to be totally sad... I t hink i am addicted to Tetris. How abominable is that? ... A greying Tetris-adoring addict.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear annh Merry

Welcome to gray-haired intellectual
ladies club!

You're asking too much. What's wrong with a few streaks of gray hair?
Thank you god and parents that you're born with pretty look and smart head.

Believe me you have ocean of possibioities ahead.

Last week I attended Shizuoka-ken sponsored international tranlation competition in Shizuokashi.This year competition was held in English, Chinese and French.
The top prize winners out of three are 32 year old an the remaining French lady was 67 year old.

The top prize consists of 1millionnyean and financial support to study in Japan a year.
2nd prize 30mannyen, 3rd is 10mannyen. I was quite impressed with that French lady. Get out Tetris there are somany matters that require your talent. Masayo, Cheeers!

12:21 PM  
Blogger scarolan said...

Dear Ann Marie

They are not gray hairs chica, they are elegant, sexy, classy hairs.

Dont forget that


5:19 AM  

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