Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Today I am writing about Voice, Authenticity, Agency, and the Subaltern

So, in honor of that attempt, I am keeping a note of some of the very useful websites that I have found. These have been awesome resources so far... and I need a way to figure out how to come back to them in the future (as I move around Japan and switch computers a lot this summer)
+ On Logocentrism and Derrida
+ On Spivak's "Can the Subaltern Speak?"
+ Glossary of Spivak terms
+ A "think" piece on "The Desiring voice." According to Waterstone, the authur of this piece, the following scholars have written about issues of power, agency and views of self - sometimes in relation to the voice: Britzman, 1989; Grumet, 1990; Ellsworth, 1992; Orner,1992; Finke, 1993; Otte, 1995; Kramer-Dahl, 1996; Lensmire, 1998. I need to read up on these people.
+ Dictionary of Postmodern Terms


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