Updates on "the truly precious one," Komea’i’omakamae
Monday, April 30, 2007
Hi Everybody!
It’s nearly 7:00pm Monday night, and Baby Jack is sprawled out lengthwise along my thighs as I try to catch up on e-mails from work. He’s sleeping lightly, but squirming every so often. Also, just in the last few minutes, he’s fired off a few solid gas leaks – a very nice sign of progress since we didn’t seen much GI activity in the first 24 hours.
Well, I think we’ve reached a very new steady state level with mom and baby. Kim is getting her first real nap now since delivering Baby Jack 40 hours ago. She really only slept 1-2 hours on the first night after delivering, and maybe she slept 3-4 hours on Sunday night. Kim is still a bit sore and stiff, but her spirits are great.
And Baby Jack, I think, has fully figured out how to get a full meal. I was just a little bit worried about Baby Jack as we approached the first 24 hour mark and then rounded into the beginning of the 2nd day. He wasn’t really eating that much, but he just had his second huge meal in 2 hours. I think we’ll be into a regular pattern of eating and sleeping soon enough.
It’s interesting to get to know Baby Jack. He seems to be very strong, especially his arms and neck. He likes to keep his arms up and close to his face which can be problematic when we’re trying to get him into the feeding position. I think he’ll figure out how to suck his thumb very soon. Also, he likes to be held. I think he’ll be a very self-sufficient guy soon enough, but for now, he does better if he’s close to mommy or daddy.
By the way, Grandma Bobby picked a middle name… Komea’i’omakamae… which means the truly precious one.
"Update #2 on Baby Jack"
May 1, 2007
Latest update on Baby Jack… Good news! We’re finally home after 3 days at the hospital!
My guess is that Kim got 4 hours of sleep last night. I’m pretty tired, and I didn’t even have to tend to Baby Jack at all last night.
Mom and Jack are about to take their first nap together at home, and I’m going to run into the office for 90 minutes or so. Life is good!
- E
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