At the beginning of October I delivered a paper on Sex Trafficking in the Pacific Rim at a World History Conference held at the University of California, San Diego. It really was an awesome experience as I met some really great scholars from all different stages in their careers, and I got a lot of helpful feedback from some pretty impressive professors in the field (Ken Pomeranz and R. Bin Wong).

I want to write so much about this experience (like that the part I liked best about this conference was getting put up in the Radisson La Jolla for two nights, compliments of the conference organizers (!)) - and I will later when I have more time - but for now...
I will just post these two pictures. The top one is of two PhD students, Robbie Weiss (from UC Davis) and Lars Boerner (from Stanford/Holland/Switzerland), who also attended and whom I met and hung out with a lot of the time. The bottom is of me and Robbie - he does his research on bakeries in Mexico at the turn of the century. We took the pictures after lunch near the peer down by the beach, just about 1/2 mile away from the campus. Anyways, I have good memories from the conference and don't want to lose the pictures, so here they are...